Wurzburg Twinning Association

A VISIT to Germany recently helped to strengthen the twinning link between North Lanarkshire and Schweinfurt.

The Burgereisse trip was organised by the Friends of Schweinfurt Twinning Association and supported by North Lanarkshire Council.

If you are interested in finding out more about The Odenwald Association and the joys of twinning, please come along to one of our meetings which take place on the second Tuesday of the month, in The Municipal Buildings, Falkirk and start at 7.00 p.m. Twinning can open many doors to new experiences. This is a list of places in Ireland having standing links to local communities in other countries. In most cases, the association, especially when formalised by local government.

The German word “burgerreise” does not have an equivalent English word but roughly means a visit of citizens.

The Friends of North Lanarkshire Twinning Association in Schweinfurt arranged the programme for the week-long holiday.

The day that the group arrived in Schweinfurt, they were surprised at dinner by a visit from the new Oberburgermeister, Sebastian Remelé, who welcomed them to the town.

Wurzburg Twinning Association

During the visit, there was a trip to Prichsenstadt with a tour of the Zeilitzheim Palace, a trip to Thurnau, where there was a tour of the museum of pottery and a demonstration of production in the pottery itself, an outing to Wurzburg with a guided tour of the Residence, and an evening of wine-tasting at Geisler winery.

The winery also offered the ideal venue for the birthday celebration of Murdostoun Councillor Jimmy Martin and Sandy Gibson, who were surprised by birthday cakes baked by former Councillor Roland Steuerwald, who is chairman of the twinning association in Schweinfurt.

The group were guests of Schweinfurt Council at a civic reception, hosted by Oberburgermeister Remelé.

He welcomed the guests and spoke in German and English of the twinning link which has existed for 48 years, the oldest of the three twinning links with Schweinfurt. He expressed his wish that friendships which have already been formed will continue and strengthen and that other friendships and links will be forged. He hopes to visit North Lanarkshire in the near future.

Gordon Smith, vice-chairman of the twinning association, replied in both English and German on behalf of the group, expressing thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of the Burgerreise visit.

Councillor Jimmy Martin handed over a letter and a gift from Provost Tom Curley to the new Oberburgermeister.

There was a short film show of the Burgerreise visit to North Lanarkshire last year by members and friends of the TVO Sportsclub.

The group were guests of the Sportsclub at a barbecue on the final night of their visit when gifts were exchanged.

The twinning link between North Lanarkshire (formerly Motherwell) and Schweinfurt was established in 1962 and preparations will now begin for a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the partnership.


Prof. Erich Oertheimer (2018)

Shaped by his American war captivity he fought for peace and understanding among nations all of his life. In more than three decades as a professor of German language and literature, history and philosophy at the University of Caen he laid the foundation of the German-French exchange until the signing of the town twinning in 1962 and the twinning agreement between universities in 1977. For his strong commitment he was honored with i.a. the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and the silver “Bene Merenti” medal.

Jean Marc Ayrault (2013)

former Prime Minister of France. Jean-Marc Ayrault studied German Language and Literature at Nantes University and was an exchange student at the University of Würzburg in the autumn term of 1969/70. During his visit to Würzburg in April 2013, he was awarded honorary citizenship in recognition of his merits to the German language and his close ties to the University of Würzburg.

Prof. Dr. Jochen Fricke (2012)

Prof. Jochen Fricke has been a Professor of Physics at the University of Würzburg since 1975. From 1992 to 2005, he took on additional responsibility as Founding Spokesman, Chairman of the Board and Head of the Center for Applied Energy Research Würzburg (ZAE Bayern). In permanent cooperation with the Institute of Physics since 1993, the Center can look back on a series of successes including the development of high-performance vaccuum insulation panels and the installation of a desalination plant in Oman.

Otto G. Schäfer (2011)

Member of the Universitätsbund since the early 1980s, and an active member of Würzburg’s Alumni Lawyers since 2007. Otto G. Schäfer awards the Wolfgang Kuhlen-Prize to the best graduates of the First State Examination in Law. The bestowal of this prize, which comes with €3,000 in funding, has been a permanent part of the exam celebrations of the Faculty of Law for years.

Prof. Dr. Sabina Wullstein (2003)

started to work at the University of Würzburg as a physician in 1964. From 1984 onwards, she was Professor of Ear, Nose, and Throat Medicine. Together with her husband, Professor Horst L. Wullstein, she supported the University in the purchase of the Hubland property. She was also involved in the conceptual development of the Head Clinic. After her husband had passed away, she ran his private clinic at Oberer Neubergweg, then deeded it to the University in 1991. Today, the Institute of the History of Medicine is located on the premises.

Dr. Jost Lemmerich (1995)

for the design and implementation of the exhibition commemorating the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of the X-rays (1995). Lemmerich, born 1929 in Berlin, studied physics at the Technische Universität Berlin from 1956 to 1962. Later, he worked for various industrial companies and at the German and the European Patent Office in Berlin. In 1996, the Technische Universität Berlin awarded him the status of Honorary Doctor. At the University of Würzburg, he organised an exposition on the work of the 13 Würzburg Nobel Laureates.

Dr. Walter Brod (1992)


Physician, long-term unsalaried head of the Institute of University and Student History and the History of Science, patron with close ties to the University. He endowed the university library with his unique collection of views of the City of Würzburg on permanent loan and provided the Institute of History and the Institute of the History of Medicine with literature. The Martin von Wagner Museum was bestowed by Dr. Brod with graphic folios, two Flemish panel paintings and other valuable items on permanent loan.

Dr.-Ing. Hans-Bernhard Bolza-Schünemann (1990), worked towards a particularly close relationship between business companies and the natural sciences departments of the University and was involved with the Universitätsbund. From 1971 to 1985, Bolza-Schünemann was Chairman of the Board of Koenig & Bauer AG at Würzburg, the world's oldest manufacturer of printing machinery. In addition, he was President of the Würzburg-Schweinfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce from 1983 to 1986, as well as Deputy Chairman of the Universitätsbund.

Dipl.-Ing. Karl Diller (1990), Abteilungsdirektor (ret.), former Director of the University Planning and Building Office Würzburg.

Rosemarie Preh (1990), Member of the Associative Council of the Universitätsbund Würzburg.

David Schuster (1990), Senator (ret.), Head of the Jewish Religious Community Würzburg.

Dr. Franz Vogt (1990), President of the Government of Lower Franconia.

Michael Klett (1989), publisher.

Dr. phil. h. c., Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Brause (1987)

Dr. Werner Rötter (1986), in his capacity as Chairman of the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung (Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians), District of Lower Franconia, he was strongly committed to the concerns of the Faculty of Medicine and promoted the equipment of Luitpold Hospital with the technology necessary for a teaching institution. In 1984, he was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz I. Klasse, a German Order of Merit.

Freiherr Richard von Swaine (1986), Member of the Associative Council of the Universitätsbund Würzburg.

Wurzburg Twinning Association Logo

Dipl.-Ing. Werner Dieter (1985), CEO of Mannesmann AG, Düsseldorf (1985-1994)

Dr. Gerhard Goldberg (1985), usiness awyer, Hamburg.

Dr. Klaus Zeitler (1984), Mayor of the City of Würzburg from 1968 to 1990. In this capacity, he was strongly committed to the concerns of the University. Zeitler had been a member of the Social Democrat Party (SPD) since 1950, but changed over to the right-wing Republican Party after internal controversies in the SPD faction. For this reason, the Students' Convent demanded in 1997 that the University's Board of Government divest Klaus Zeitler of his honorary citizenship. The University rejected the motion, as it did not deem it justified by 'the mere membership in a political party not declared unconstitutional by the Federal Constitutional Court.'

Dr. Ernst Rietschel (1983), Company Doctor (ret.) of SKF Kugellagerfabriken GmbH, for his endeavours on behalf of the University as Secretary of the Schweinfurt subsidiary of the Universitätsbund.

Dipl.-Ing. Georg Schäfer jun. (1983), for his merits in his capacity as Chairman of the Schweinfurt subsidiary of the Universitätsbund. In 1991, he was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz I. Klasse, a German Order of Merit.

Dr. Franz Gerstner (1982), Managing Director of the Studentenwerk from 1951 to 1971, President of the District Diet of Lower Franconia from 1970 to 1984, honoured for his service to the University and the sciences in Lower Franconia.

Arnold Heimberger (1978), Ltd. Regierungsdirektor (ret.), former Legal Adviser to the University of Würzburg.

Philipp Meyer (1978), President of the Government of Lower Franconia.

Fürst Albrecht zu Castell-Castell (1977)

Ernst König (1977), Kaufmann (ret.), Würzburg.

Dr. Maria Santifaller-Sellschopp (1974), art historian, Dortmund-Brünninghausen.

Kilian Schmitt (1971), Kaufmann, New York.

Eberhard Ott (1971), co-proprietor of Friedrich Carl Ott & Co., Würzburg.

Dr. Franz Lippert MdL (1970), Staatssekretär (ret.), Landshut.

Dr.-Ing. habil., Dr.-Ing. E. h. Hans Diergarten (1968)

Dr. iur.. et rer. pol. Rudolf Maron (1967)

Erwin Gentz (1967), Ministerialrat (ret.), Bad Godesberg.

Franz Göpfert (1958), Oberregierungsrat (ret.), Würzburg.

Otto Hertwig (1956), Regierungsbaudirektor (ret.), Munich-Solln.

Josef Markowski (1955), Bauamtsdirektor, Würzburg.

Dr. Kurt Rauhut (1955), Having fled from Silesia, he set up legal practice in 1948 and started representing the University as a lawyer. In this capacity, he 'did an extraordinarily good job but would never accept payment since he considered it an honour to be allowed to work for the University.' In recognition, he was granted honorary citizenship.

Dr. iur. utr., Dr. phil., Dr. theol. h.c. Peter Joseph Jörg (1955), Landrat (ret.), Würzburg.

Oskar Günthert (1952), bank director (ret.), Würzburg.

Karl Richter (1933), printing house proprietor, Würzburg.

Wurzburg Twinning Association Convention

Karl Wolz (1932), Regierungsdirektor (ret.), Geheimer Rat (privy counsellor), Würzburg.

Wurzburg Twinning Association Society

Ignaz Holzwarth (1932), Regierungsdirektor, Würzburg.

Prof. Dr. Ferdinand von Lindemann (1932), Geheimer Rat (privy counsellor), Munich.

Otto Fitz (1932), Consul, Würzburg.

Otto Richter (1930), Geheimer Kommerzienrat (privy commercial counsellor), Würzburg.

Dr. Michael Bayersdörfer (1930), Geheimer Sanitätsrat (privy counsellor of health), Neustadt a. Hdt.

Wilhelm Feineis (1930), Director of the Reichspostzentralamt research centre for telegraphy, telephony and radio electronics Munich.

Franz Hartmann (1930), editor in chief (ret.), Neustadt a. Hdt.

Friedrich Mahla (1930), Geheimer Hofrat (privy court counsellor), Mayor (ret.), Landau.

Dr. phil. h.c. Kurt Elschner (1929), Geheimer Kommerzienrat (privy commercial counsellor), Berchtesgaden.

Dr. Hermann Zimmer (1929), Kommerzienrat (commercial counsellor), Waldershof.

Franz Klein (1929), Director of the Studentenhilfe Association, Würzburg.

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Denig (1928)

Dr. med. h.c. Hans Löffler (1927), Mayor, Würzburg.

Honorary Citizens (formerly Honorary Members) pre-1927:

Prof. Max Meyerolbersleben, Hofrat (court counsellor), Director (ret.) of the Staatskonservatorium der Musik (Bavarian State Conservatory of Music), Würzburg.

Dr. phil. h.c., Dr. iur. et Dr. med. Erwein, Graf von Schönborn-Wiesentheid

Dr. iur. h.c. Julius Ritter von Henle, President of the Government of Lower Franconia, Würzburg.

Dr. phil. h.c. Max Kahle, Geheimer Kommerzienrat (privy commercial counsellor), Director of Portland-Zementfabrik Karlstadt, Würzburg.

Dr. Karl Monclair Maisel

Dr. phil. h.c. Moritz Kreymann, Director, Chemnitz.

Gunnar Sivén, dentist, Helsingfors.

Herbert Schlubach, Großkaufmann, Hamburg.

Dr. med. h.c. Roderich Schlubach, Großkaufmann, Hamburg.

Wurzburg Twinning Association

August Meuschel, Kommerzienrat (commercial counsellor) and Director of Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank (Bavarian Mortgage and Bill Bank), Würzburg.

Dr. phil. et Ing. h.c. Hugo Eckener, Chairman of the Board of Associates of Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH, Friedrichshafen.

Georg Völk, Kommerzienrat (commercial counsellor), Würzburg.

Wurzburg Twinning Association Group

August Wildhagen, Geheimer Kommerzienrat (privy commercial counsellor), Kitzingen.

Hermann Wildhagen, Geheimer Kommerzienrat (privy commercial counsellor), Kitzingen.