Occasional Expense

To prepare for using the OOEF in DocuSign, consider the following questions as pertain to your unit and then contact DocuSign implementation support:

These expenses differ from emergency expenses because you know what they are, when they will happen and how much they will be. They just don’t happen every month. To ensure that you have the money to meet these occasional expenses when they happen, consider opening an Occasional Expense. Even if you have a dog that keeps you company while you work or a resident cat in your shop that all your customers love, the CRA doesn’t let you deduct your pet expenses as business expenses. While you can’t claim pet expense deductions, the CRA makes exceptions for working pets. Including occasional expenses like clothing, gifts and vacations in your budget means you’ll have the money to pay for them when the time comes. If you choose to put these expenses on your credit card, you’ll be able to pay off your credit card in full and avoid paying interest on your purchases. How to budget for occasional expenses.

  • Who is your DocuSign Unit Contact (DUC)?
  • What is the name and EID for the DocuSign sender of the OOEF?

Expense Budget Template

Please define the routing that works for your office.

  • How many people touch a typical OOEF for your unit?
    • Is the person who submits the form also the person who provides the first signature?
      • Or does the first signature get provided by another person in your unit?
    • After the first signer, does a departmental signer always sign, or does a departmental signer only sign under certain circumstances (ie, if over $100, yes; if equal to or under $100, no) ?
    • Do additional executive signers need to review & sign the document, beyond the first signer and departmental signer?
      • Do executive signers have administrative staff that need to be inserted in the routing prior to (or in parallel with) the executive signer?
  • Is the person who starts the form also the person who provides costs at the end of the process (after the event has occurred) or are costs input by another person?
    • Does the person entering costs need the option to attach receipts?
  • Does anyone else need to be inserted in the routing for quality control, etc?
Occasional Expense

Occasional Expense Definition


Once you have considered the questions listed above, please use the contact link above to schedule further discussion on implementing the OOEF in DocuSign for your unit.

Occasional Expenses Examples

Note: The OOEF is currently not routed to Payment Services via DocuSign routing. You will need to download completed OOEFs and submit through your normal submission process.